Show Related Posts on Blogger Post

Do you host a blog at blogger and want to show related posts without using a plugin? This post demonstrates how to show related posts on a blogger single post page.

Related Posts on Blogger Post

Verify Email Deliverability in PHP

Assume you have a list of subscribers you send news letters to every week. But what if half of the subscribers have changed their email accounts. In this post I am going to demonstrate how to verify if an email is fake or real.

Verify Email Deliverability in PHP

Create Taxonomy Term Meta in Wordpress

Just like post meta data term meta is additional information stored against a taxonomy terms. A single entry in a custom taxonomy is called term. This post demonstrates how can you add term meta to your custom taxonomy. We will create a term meta "size" for our property_type taxonomy.

Create Taxonomy Term Meta in Wordpress

Create Custom Taxonomies in Wordpress

Taxonomy is like a category for your custom post type. By default wordpress comes with builtin taxonomy "Category" for "Post". In this post we will register a custom taxonomy "Star" for our custom post type "Movies" we created in previous wordpress post.

Create Custom Taxonomies in Wordpress

Paypal Payouts API Integration in PHP

In previous post we demonstrated how to implement paypal checkout experience using smart payment buttons. Paypal Payouts allows you to send payments to multiple recipients at the same time.

Paypal Payouts API Integration in PHP

Paypal Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons

Paypal is globally used electronic payment processor. People can shop online, transfer money online and receive money online using a single paypal account. Because of its features and global reach paypal has become a "must be included" payment method for online shopping stores.

Paypal Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons

Create Repeater Post Meta in Wordpress

In previous post we learnt what is a post meta data. Today we are going to see what is a repeater post meta data. It is just a post meta data that contains an array of multiple values.

Create Repeater Post Meta Data in Wordpress

Create Custom Post Meta in Wordpress

In previous post we learnt how can we register a custom post type in wordpress. Wordpress adds some information to post type you are registering like title, editor, excerpt, comments and author etc. But what if you want to store some additional information with custom post type?

Create Custom Post Meta in Wordpress

Create Custom Post Types in Wordpress

Wordpress stores its content as post types. Taken from wordpress official Post Types page every single item is called post which is also the default post type of wordpress. Wordpress allows you to create your own custom post types, We will create a custom post type "movies" in this post.

Create Custom Post Types in Wordpress

Wordpress Theme Options Page without Settings API

Wordpress provides us a feature to add custom pages to different sections like , theme menu , settings menu, user menu, or a custom page in main menu. Creating a Custom Theme Options page is useful when a specific data is required globally throughout the website like , website's contact info, social links etc.

Wordpress Theme Options Page without Settings API